Are you looking for an easy and efficient way of starting a blog? Whether you want a blog to start your online business or to document your life and leisure experience, read to learn more about creating a blog site for free, step-by-step guidance.

I am happy to share a step by step guidance on how to create a blog site, without being a technical guru.
For the purpose of this article, I am going to assume you want the blog to start making passive income online.
Creating a Blog Site
#Step 1: What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is a name you choose to give to your website or blog to define your business and DISTINGUISH YOURSELF as a brand and from the rest.
A blog name should ideally be short, catchy, and easy to remember.
How do I find the right domain name? The fundamental of your business
Perhaps you already know what you want to write about, and it will be easy for you to think of a domain name.
If you don´t then you must ask yourself a few questions;
- What do I like best and what can I easily talk and write about?
This could be a HOBBY, a SPORT, something you are passionate about – in this case, called a NICHE site. Otherwise, if you are already experienced, you can write about making money online to help others understand online marketing and make money.
2. How can I help people search the net?
This is another great question to ask yourself if you wish to find the right domain name. This could be a lifetime experience, an illness that you are going through or have overcome and would like to share and help others with, etc.
By replying to the above 2 questions you will have a clear picture of what you will focus your online journey on.
Remember that currently in 2020; more than 4 billion people worldwide are active online browsing the net, looking for information and assistance. If you can come up with a niche and create a helpful and winning site that will attract traffic and genuinely promote the correct and relevant product, then you can easily make money online.
Here are some domain ideas
- You can use your own name to build an authority site. This is mostly recommended to experienced bloggers who already have followers; however, if you are patient enough you can build an authority niche with your name, and slowly you will have success over time.
- You can also include your name and combine it with the niche;
makemoneyonlinewithjohn (Make Money Online With John)
bakingcakeswithmarion (Baking Cakes With Marion) - Other domain names related to your selected niche (an interest of your choice targeting a selected section of the population).
bestwalkingshoesfortheelderly (Best Walking Shoes For The Elderly)
getrichquicktips (Get Rich Quick Tips)
practicalhikingboots (Practical Hiking Boots)
I just made up all the above domain names and I did not check if they exist already. They are just examples.
Please note the domain name does not necessarily have to have the same name as your niche, but it has to be related. You cannot have a domain called and write your content about pets.
There are tools you can use to help you find a domain name.
And once you have thought of a name, the next step is to check if it is available.
The most recommended and commonly used domain ending is .com or .org.
However, you can also create a blog country related, (for England), (for Canada), .es (for Spain), etc.
The latter one is chosen when you only wish to promote your blog within the country, for example, if you have your own product to sell and want to create an online shop to sell only in that country.
#Step 2: What is Hosting? Storing Your Blog Content
Great, so now you have come up with a name for your blog, found that it is available, and registered your own domain (also known as URL).
So far so good, and now you have to look for hosting.
Hosting or web hosting is storage space offered by different companies to host or store your blog content. Hosting prices vary according to the company and they may fluctuate on a yearly basis or so, as some companies offer packages to host for a number of years and you can prepay so the price won´t change.
# Step 3: What is a Software Platform? Building the Structure of Your Blog
Having sorted the domain and hosting, now you will require a software or blogging Platform where you can start designing the structure and creating your blog content.
WordPress is the most famous CMS (content management system) with almost 75 million websites created using WordPress.
Thus WordPress is considered to be the easiest and most widely used platform worldwide.
#Step 4: Customise Your Blog Design
Now you select a theme within WordPress and technically your blog is already created. woohoo!
The next step is the nicest part, i.e. customizing your design and layout and making your blog an aesthetic success. You can change the colors to your liking, font, and size, create a title for your page, and later you design a nice logo that will be unique to you.
The theme has an important role as besides making your site look nice, it will also affect the speed of your site. So you may select an awesome theme but try to keep it simple and do concentrate on your content.
#Step 5: Install & Activate Important Basic Plugins
What are Plugins?
Plugins are extra software that is not available within your theme and you install to facilitate your work or add extra features; for example social media buttons.
There are various plugins that you can install and use however you should try to limit the number to say 5 or let´s say a maximum of 10, so they won´t hinder your site speed and in turn your ranking in search engines.
You can play around with these as you go along, add and remove and check if it affects your site speed. Some plugins are free and others need to be purchased.
#Step6: Create Content
Now it is time to start organizing your blog and create MENUS, PAGES, and POSTS. Think of organizing a virtual cabinet where you can place all your stuff nicely so people can find the folders easily and without effort.
- The Menu/s helps you to organize your pages and categories
- The Pages are necessary to create the About you page, legal stuff (privacy policy, disclosures), contact page, landing page, etc.
- The Posts will build your blog roll where you will be writing all your content.
TIP: Try to keep your blog simple. Complicated sites tend to discourage the viewer to remain on your site and disorganized sites make it difficult for people to browse through.
What Do I Do Next?
Now that you know what is required to have your own site, let´s see what is the best way to create a blog site for FREE.
Each and every step mentioned above requires something to be registered or installed until you reach the final step and all this software and storage costs money. Besides, you need to either take a course or look for information online and read a lot to be able to put everything together.
This is not easy, especially if you are not a technical person.
Here is a great solution, and that is joining a MOST UP-TO-DATE PLATFORM that can offer all the above in one place, you get to learn how to create the blog and explained why, and you can also create your own WEBSITE for free.
In the 1st week, you also get 24hr technical assistance, besides suggestions and help through chat from other members.
All this is at ZERO COST for you to try to test for yourself.
You can do the starter course, create a blog with a few clicks, see how easy it is when you are being guided step by step (throughout the course there´s a video and also a written version to explain every step) and after this, you can decide whether this is the right choice for you to learn, then progress and advance in your dream online business.
You will create your blog on a free domain and you will also get free hosting, free WordPress, and a free theme installed with all the necessary plugins to start with.
I hope you find the above information useful and please do contact me should you have any questions or would like to leave a comment.
Good Luck!
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. For more information please see my disclosure here
Hello there! Amazing article you’ve got here, these steps are lovely as it will make it easy to create a blog especially for newbies like me. Finding the right domain name has been what is keeping from me from opening my own blog. Thanks for sharing this information, now I know what exactly to do!
Hi, you are most welcome. Glad this information could somehow help you. Wish you luck in finding the right domain that will make you succeed.
Thank you for such rich content and you offered for free, but when I saw your recommended platform, I knew you have learnt from the master. I use wealthy affiliate and the platform is very robust, it contains quality training , a good community, up to date tools and to crown it up a sound hosting platform
Hello, it is great to hear you are also a member of ‘wealthy affiliate’. I was lucky enough to find them when I initially started my online business and I immediately realised they are genuine into helping people in succeeding in their online business. Thank you for writing.
Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .I have created a blog and I am doing business online .Through this I started Passive Income Online .I first took the domain and the hosting to create a blog site .A software platform was needed to design the structure and build it .Then, following a step by step, I created a blog site and now through it I have been able to make a lot of money.
Lastly, I hope through your article everyone will get all the tips needed to make a blog site very easy and they will definitely share with you their new experience by creating a blog site and making money.
Hi Shanta, I am happy to hear you are already in the business and making money. Well done! Thank you for sharing the step by step method you used to create your blog. I also hope many people out there, looking for information on how to start a blog, will find my article helpful.
This is a good guide on how to create a blog for free. I am saying this because you covered every aspect from choosing the blog name in relation to the niche. My blog I am planning to create is based on make money online because I have made research about this for several years and I am sure I have vast knowledge on this niche. The website name I want to use is short and related to my niche too. WordPress has made website building as simple as abc and non technical too so I am using WordPress. I have gotten a premium theme I want to use too. Great tips.
Hi, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge on creating a blog, especially after doing your research for a while. You have made a great decision and I am sure you will be successful with your blog and online business. Good luck!