Do you want to make your blog posts load faster and you wonder what is the best WordPress theme for a blog? Try using lighter themes for your blog posts. Here are some of the best light and responsive themes you can choose from.
WordPress is relatively popular when it comes to creating websites and blogs. With the rising number of users, how can you separate yourself from the rest? Of course, the content that you put out matters, but what matters the most is how quickly people can get into your blog, and, subsequently, how responsive it is. Nobody likes any website that takes forever to load, and, in this fast-paced world, everyone wants everything to be quick and snappy.
So, you want to use a light and responsive theme because people are more likely to use their smartphones to read these articles. When out and about, our smartphone is our primary choice when we need to find something on the internet. When surfing with the phone, if your WordPress blog doesn’t have a light and responsive theme, most mobile users will likely have trouble loading your website. Besides, the WIFI at public places doesn’t offer us the fastest internet connection.
So, here are some themes you can use to overcome such issues
10. Hueman Theme
Hueman Theme is ideal for blogging and magazines
Hueman is a great theme to use if you want to showcase more than one content at a time; that’s because this theme comes with a three-column design. Not only that, you have the option to customize the theme. If you are more into using highly rated themes, then the Hueman is perfect for you, as this is one of the best rated themes on WordPress.
Hueman has an overall clean and slick design, and the theme is mobile-friendly; all the more reason to use it. It is the ideal theme for a blog post where you want to present a lot of information or content.
Apart from that, the theme has a paid version, on which you can find more support and site activation without any limitation.
9. Tracks Theme
Tracks Theme is ideal for a Photography blog
If you want a minimal theme with preferred colour scheme of white and grey, or black, then Tracks is the WordPress theme you’re looking for. This is because Tracks brings you a unique look with a dark and minimal WordPress theme.
The layout of the theme is ideal for photographers and blogs on magazines. However, besides being for photography, the site is also suitable for blogs that focus more on the text.
8. Writee Theme
Writee Theme is ideal for travel, food or fashion blogs.
If you’re on the hunt for a theme for your personal blog, then Writee is a great theme to try out.
Writee is a mobile-friendly theme that looks amazing on a smaller screen and comes with many widgets to enhance the overall experience.
The theme has an overall clean interface, and for someone who is just starting their traveling blog, this is perfect.
7. Lovecraft Theme
Lovecraft is a beautiful Theme where you can showcase your photography.
If you’re looking for a bright theme that provides two columns, then Lovecraft is a great theme to try out. The theme is friendly for bloggers. It also comes with a vast header to place any photo. Furthermore, the theme comes with tools and styles to help you make your blogs more appealing.
Due to its clean, minimal, and simple design, you can quickly start your blogging adventures with Lovecraft.
6. Olsen Light Theme
Olsen LIght Theme is ideal for lifestyle; food, fashion, fitness, health and beauty blogs.
If your blog posts are based on fashion, lifestyle, or travel, you will love the Olsen Light. Not only does the theme look nice, but it also comes with customizable features and loads of widgets.
The theme is easy to use, and it will give a more sophisticated vibe to your blogs. Besides personal use, the Olsen Light is also great for professional use.
5. Hemingway Theme
The Hemingway Theme is ideal for writers
Hemingway is another good-looking two-column theme for your blogs. The clean design of the theme gives the spotlight to the most important thing on the site – :your content. The two-column design is also a great way to go if you plan to display a lot of content.
Besides the clean looks, it also has a lot of customizable features, making this perfect for both simple and complex blogs.
4. Poseidon Theme
Poseidon Theme is ideal for travel blogs.
If you’re a travel blogger, or use imagery to attract readers, then Poseidon is the near best theme you can use. One of the intriguing features of this theme is that it allows a full-screen image carousel. Furthermore, besides image, there are also negative spaces, making this perfect for more than one type of content. The negative spaces give the readers ease in surfing through your website.
3. Astra Theme
Astra Theme is perfect to set up your online shop.
If you’re using your blog or website to sell products, then Astra is the way to go. Astra presents its user with a light and straightforward theme geared mostly towards selling products. With the premium version of the theme, you will get many add-ons. The theme is also mobile-friendly, and it’s ready to be used on WooCommerce.
If you’re new on WordPress, don’t worry; with Astra, you will have access to many pre-built options to find the one that suits your need.
2. OceanWP Theme
OceanWP is a multi purpose and can be utilised for various blog types and niches.
If you want to build a great website without any prior knowledge of coding, then OceanWP is the perfect website for you. Not only is the theme developer-friendly, but it also looks good on mobile devices.
The theme comes with a ton of extension library, meaning you can design the blog without knowing how to code. You can also edit your blogs for tabs, and it works with reputed website builders like Elementor.
1. Neve Theme
Neve theme is also multi purpose and is ideal for different niches, or authority blog for personal or small business use.
Neve is one of the best-looking themes you can use on WordPress. Not only it is the most beautiful, but it is also very lightweight, making this the perfect theme to use, whether you’re just starting out or looking for a better theme.
The theme is swift and very easy to use. Also, the theme looks fantastic on mobile phones. Furthermore, Neve is search engine optimized. Besides that, Neve is another theme you can use to build your website without any prior knowledge of coding, and you can see the changes you implement in real-time.
In conclusion
Having a light and responsive theme is a sure-fire way to attract a lot of traffic to your site. With these themes, you can find a light and responsive theme for your WordPress blog, which will fit your needs. After all, a theme plays an important role in appearance and speed for SEO purposes.
Do you use any of the above themes? If not, which one do you use and why do you recommend it. Leave a comment below. Thank you.
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Hi and thanks for sharing this. It is all very interesting stuff and something I still need to get my head around. I have only been building out my site for the last four months now. I started with Hiero just because it was one of the ones used in a training session I was following and it looked easy to follow. I am starting to think it is looking a little old and tired and maybe too dark now. On the plus side, it does load reasonably quickly, and checking my site for mobile I get good ratings. I did try setting up a different theme at one point but I quickly decided to restore Hiero. One feature that I appreciate is that the main blog page is set to show only the last 10 articles. The theme I tried just threw all blog articles in a single blog roll. This meant you had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the bottom menu and items. My theme is finance and not mentioned in the list you gave. Though I suppose that Neve would come the closest in light of the descriptions you gave. Thanks again for this. Best regards, Andy
Hi Andy, many thanks for writing about your experience with changing themes. I agree not to load the home page or main blog page with so many blogs and keep just a few to give a general idea of what your content is about. Neve theme is a good choice for business and finance.
This is a question I have asked several times. It is great to see an article like this. I often struggle. I find that there are themes I like but when you look there is an element you want that is missing. At times it appears like a unicorn the perfect theme is out there I can’t find it. I am sure I will be nearer with the help of this article.
Hi, it´s hard to pick the right theme from the very beginning. Many times you won´t know how your site or blog is going to evolve and you may have to change themes later on. Make sure the one you select is lightweight with good speed and mobile friendly. Thank you for writing.
I don’t use any of these 10 themes, but what I mostly use is the Texas theme. I also have one website using Blacklite Gird, but I don’t know if I like that theme or not, yet.
If you had to narrow down these 10 choices to your top 3, what would they be?
Hi, a bit hard to select as it depends on your niche and preference. However if I am to choose the top 3 I´d say Neve, OceanWP & Olsen as they are light and look great on mobile devices.
I don’t know the ones you mention; Texas or Blacklite. I will have a look at the Texas one. Thank you for writing. Have a nice evening.
The Hemingway theme is probably ideal for me. I am a writer, and I have been wondering what the best theme would be. Does the Hemingway theme also work well to display books? Ocean WP also looks great, especially because you don’t need to know much coding.
I think, though, that I may try out the Neve theme. I like that it looks really good on mobiles as well, which is important. So, I am going to check it out today 🙂 Thanks for these tips!
Hi, Himingway is good for writers and you can display books on a page or image slider, but can be minimal. If you want a more aesthetic theme Neve is much better and it is still a lightweight theme. Thank you for writing.
hello there awesome article you have here this is both educative and creative, i strongly recommend Olsen LIght Theme for bloggers as it is a very responsive theme and it just catches the eye am really going to get this theme for my blog after now. thanks for sharing this amazing themes with the public.
Hey Joy, thanks for writing and for sharing your insight. It is great you have chosen your theme. You can always change it later on but it is nice to pick the right one from the beginning.